The Client Documents we use at Apex Law Service

Apex Law Service uses these exact documents on a day in and day out basis for Criminal Defense work, and also for Civil Matters, and we use these documents as sample documents for our Consulting Clients who are starting similar businesses. Feel free to download, modify and use these documents in your own private business any way you want. Join NAOLDP, the National Association of Online Legal Document Professionals, and use DocupletionForms to build online forms that select and complete documents.  Also, please don’t forget the project for Kids on…

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Collections Letter Vendor Alternative – Pick Apex Law Service!

It is our firm belief at Apex Law Service that if you are an Attorney Representing a Collector that we as a 3rd Party Paralegal Subcontractor are the best alternative to the now embattled Letter Vendor. EDPA Finds Alleged Transmission of Consumer Information to Letter Vendor States Claim Under FDCPA’s § 1692c(b) (b)Communication with third parties Except as provided in section 1692b of this title, without the prior consent of the consumer given directly to the debt collector, or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction, or as reasonably necessary to…

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CRIMINAL DEFENSE: How to hire a Criminal Defense Attorney without paying twice as much as you need to.

How to hire a Criminal Defense Attorney without paying twice as much as you need to! Hi, James Polk here with Apex Law Service.  Thank you for tuning in.  We’re going to be talking for a few articles here about how to hire a Criminal Defense Attorney without paying twice as much as you need to.  The main thing that we are going to be talking about is how our business works.  We are a Marketing Law Service.  On any one given day we have multiple clients and I have…

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