The Client Documents we use at Apex Law Service

Apex Law Service uses these exact documents on a day in and day out basis for Criminal Defense work, and also for Civil Matters, and we use these documents as sample documents for our Consulting Clients who are starting similar businesses.

Feel free to download, modify and use these documents in your own private business any way you want. Join NAOLDP, the National Association of Online Legal Document Professionals, and use DocupletionForms to build online forms that select and complete documents.  Also, please don’t forget the project for Kids on Juvenile Probation, the All in Service Network.

These are the contracts we use to do business with our Clients, our Attorney Clients and our Independent Paralegal Contractors. Our Attorney Clients supervise our Independent Paralegal Contractors and we maintain our marketing.

** – Overarching Apex Law Service Memorandum of Understanding **

BK – Questionnaire 

BK – Choice Sheet

1 – Apex Law Service Client Intake Form

2a – Apex Law Service buys debt in Non-License States Debts.You can join us and invest in a portfolio.

2b – Apex Law Service Public Client Contract with Collections Option Limited to Non-License States Debts

3 – Apex Law Service Attorney as Client Retainer Agreement

4 – Apex Blank CIVIL Assigned Attorney Client Contract

  • NEVADA +

5 – Apex Blank CRIMINAL Assigned Attorney Client Contract

  • NEVADA +

6 – Apex Cleint and Matter Notes for File

7 – Apex Law Service Independent Paralegal Contractor Agreement

8 – Independent Contractor IRS Documents

  • link to USCIS I-9 Form
  • link to IRS page on 1099-MISC, miscellaneous income
    • This Contract includes the pay for California Process Servers ONLY!
    • Independent Contractors doing Paralegal Work can be required to setup an email address if they do not currently have a HIPAA compliant email.  Our email addresses are HIPAA compliant. ($25 monthly).
    • Independent Contractors can request to be a part of the Apex Phone System, but requests are not always granted.
      • Connected to their own current personal phone line via the PBX system.
      • The second option is by allocating a specific line inside of the PBX system. ($25 monthly).
    • We are working on a Benefits Package & putting together an HR group/department either in house or via an outsourced HR Business.

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