Niche, Botique, or General?

Choosing between a Niche, Botique or General Business Model has to do with what most interests you, your experience, your ability, marketability and also need.  The other element that is important to think about is what types of Niche Focused Paralegals you work well with.  Your business does not have to be only you.  You might have a focus on Family Law, but you tend to have Clients with Bankruptcy Issues and have often worked well with the Paralegals from the Bankruptcy Law Firm with whom your Employing Attorney from past experiences networked.  You might develop a Botique Niche of Family & Bankruptcy Law and bring another Bankruptcy Niche Focused Employee Paralegal to work for your business.  It is up to you.

Here is the basic difference in the definition of the 3 types of business models:

  1. Niche: One focus only.
  2. Botique: A combined focus on a few related niches.
  3. General: You take any type of case.

That’s it, that is the difference.  It really depends on how many Paralegals you are going to have working in your office with you.

Take a quick look at the difference between the Contract we ask our Criminal Defense Attorney Clients to use with the Clients with legal issues to whom we introduce them and the Contract we ask our Civil Litigation Attorney Clients to use with the Clients we introduce them to.  Take a look at all of the Contracts we use all together to contract with both our Clients with legal issues and our Attorney Clients and also our Paralegal Sub-Contractors.  We include a General Overarching Memorandum of Understanding that outlines the relationship between the Parties to make sure that everybody knows that Apex Law Service only does the Outsourced Paralegal Work that the Attorney who our Clients hire after we introduce them.  We are not advising you that the Contracts that we ourselves use at Apex Law Service are legally sufficient for your business purpose, but showing them to you as an example.

The Majority of our Clients hire us for help with a one of the following Types of Outsourced Paralegal Business Operations:

  • Niche:
    • Criminal Defense
    • Family Law
    • Immigration
    • Bankruptcy
    • Real Estate
    • With or Without Juvenile Issues
    • Any


  • Botique:
    • Criminal & Family
    • Criminal & Immigration
    • Criminal & Bankruptcy
    • Family & Immigration
    • Family & Bankruptcy
    • Family & Real Estate
    • Bankruptcy & Real Estate
    • With or Without Juvenile Issues
    • Any


  • General Litigation
    • With or Without Criminal
    • & With or Without Juvenile Issues


  • Any combination of niches in a Botique Pattern is possible if it is what you see as your focus.  I myself focus on Criminal Defense within my General Litigation Outsourced Paralegal Business, have a set of Paralegals who work on the Criminal Defense Cases I bring in and have a set of Paralegals who handle Civil Litigation Matters.


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